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Kathy Dolan

Kathy Dolan started training dogs at the ripe old age of 10, when her parents bought a black Labrador Retriever named Shannon. Armed with books from the library and some treats, Kathy trained Shannon to compete in obedience and trick dog competitions, usually bringing home blue ribbons. 


In 1998, Kathy was introduced to the world of SAR and joined AVSAR in Pennsylvania. She completed mission ready status with her Australian Shepherd in wilderness live find and HRD with her Labrador Retriever. During that time, Kathy certified as a First Responder.


Fast forward to 2009, Kathy moved to the Black Hills of SD with 2 German Shepherds and set out to find a team to train SAR dogs, in that process she met another trainer with a strong background in Schutzhund and Wolfpack Working Dogs was born. Kathy titled the GSDs in the CGC, BH, RHFL-V, RHFL-A as well as competing in IPO.  Kathy is also a AKC Canine Good Citizen Evaluator.


Currently, Kathy has a 2 year old Dutchie who loves any work and a young Belgian Malinois doing Human Remains Detection, area live find and preparing for RH.

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